- Meet with your guidance counselor ASAP. Make sure your transcripts have all the credits needed to get into the school(s) of your choice.
- Start a file for each college.
- Contact the schools that are still on your list. Ask about admission requirements, application deadlines and any required fees, along with financial aid. Ask these schools if they will need an official transcript with application.
- Request applications from colleges on your list.
- If applying early-decision, do applications now. Be sure all required documents and paperwork are included. **Remember recommendation forms from teachers & counselors.**
- Register for future October/November SAT, ACT tests. Request additional score reports when signing up.
Senior Timeline
- Take SAT/ ACT tests.
- Choose which teachers/counselors you will ask for recommendations letters.
- Work on your college essays.
- Schedule visits/interviews with colleges.
- Be sure all colleges you have applied to receive your official ACT/SAT score report. Order additional score reports for your records.
- Take SAT/ ACT tests.
- Mail applications. Make copies of everything you mail. Be sure to include everything (fees, essay, transcript, etc.).
- Think about recommendation letters. Remember to let your teachers & your counselors know what extracurricular activies & community service programs you have been involved in throughout your high school career.
- Be conscientious of deadlines.
- Last chance to take SAT/ACT!
- Ask for recommendations. Remember to give stamped, college-addressed envelopes.
- Stay abreast of deadlines.
- Attend Financial Aid Night for Seniors.
- Read any financial aid literature sent by the colleges you applied to.
- Begin financial aid process (FAFSA, CSS Profile, and or Institutional Forms). Use financial estimates to get started.
- Give mid-year reports to your counselor to complete!
- Check that the colleges have received all information sent: application, test scores, and financial aid forms.
- Confirm with your counselor that mid-year reports have been sent.
- Begin to collect all financial paperwork for financial aid updates.
- Men 18 years and older must register for the draft to receive federal financial aid; inquire at your local post office about how to receive proof of registration.
- Do taxes as early as possible (parents and students!).
- Rate the colleges you’ve applied to (first choice, second, etc).
- Look for SAR (Student Aid Report) in the mail. This report will have estimated Expected Family Contribution on upper right hand corner. SAR must be updated with new years financial data-tax returns…etc.
- Should receive responses from colleges this month regarding acceptance. The deadline to inform them of your decision is May 1.
- Evaluate Financial Aid packages. Appeal and negotiate under-awarded packages.
- Begin final selection process.
- Make final decision. Send college SIR (Statement of Intent to Register) and deposit.
- Tell your counselor where you have decided to enroll.
- Stay on top of requests from YOUR college. Fill out housing forms if needed.
- Write “thanks, but no thanks” letters to colleges that you will not attend.
- CONGRATULATIONS!!!. Enjoy your graduation & college adventure!