- Take Practice PSAT for test in October.
- Register for the PSAT.
- Sign up for extracurricular activities.
Junior Timeline
Junior Timeline
- Attend college fairs in your area.
- Take the PSAT/NMSQT.
- Be sure to check “yes” for Student Search Service on the test to hear about colleges and scholarships.
- You will receive your scores from the PSAT. Use that as a guide for the upcoming SAT you will take in the spring.
- Talk to friends about college who are home for the holidays.
- Start to gather personal information that you will need for college applications (social security number…etc.).
- Collect all the college information you will begin to receive and organize it by demographics, majors and extra-curricular activities.
- Attend scheduled seminars with your guidance counselor.
- Register for the March SAT.
- Schedule visitations to colleges of interest for the spring. ***Be sure to visit when school is in session and set up an interview with admissions officers.***
- Strive to maintain good grades and have involvement in activities.
- Research colleges about admissions (grades, SAT scores, high school rank), application process (forms and deadlines), and finances (cost of attendance, financial aid, etc.)
- Inquire about the ACT test. See if it might be more appropriate for you.
- Testing – ACT is usually offered at this time of year. Look into the May or June SAT.
- Senior year class selection. Be sure to keep a challenging curriculum.
- Attend local college fairs.
- Take the ACT, SAT exams that you have registered for.
- Look into getting a summer job or apply for enrichment programs.
- Set your summer schedule.
- Talk to teachers about writing letters of recommendation for you.
July & August
- Update your resume with junior year activities & accomplishments.
- Start thinking about college majors related to your interests & career goals.
- Request applications, brochures and financial aid information from the colleges that interest you.